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Advancing Community wellness in the Coachella Valley

District CEO: New year brings opportunities to grow Coachella Valley's healthcare infrastructure

As the year comes to a close, I would like to express my gratitude for our community’s continued trust in the Desert Healthcare District and Foundation’s work.


While we have all faced unprecedented challenges this year that we never imagined, this time has underscored the importance of collaboration and collective impact, of humanity and kindness, and of strength and resilience. These are things we’ve seen time and again through the actions of our partners and colleagues in the nonprofit community, businesses, government agencies, healthcare providers and individuals.


Although our holidays may be different due to the pandemic, one thing will remain unchanged – our collective spirit of service. We have partnered with the County of Riverside and the Public Health Institute and collectively allotted nearly $2 million to support COVID-19-related services in the most underserved areas. We are working with valuable partners, including Alianza Coachella Valley, El Sol, Galilee Center, Youth Policy Institute, TODEC Legal Center, ReachOut, Lideres Campesinas, Pueblo Unido, Catholic Charities, The Archdiocese of Riverside and San Bernardino, and Vision y Compromiso. Jointly, we are serving thousands of Coachella Valley residents in areas disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.


But we know more is needed. We continue to explore how to build a strong healthcare infrastructure for all, understanding that health happens where people live, work, and learn. We will continue to explore how we can best contribute to permanent solutions to individuals and families battling physical and mental illness; to people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness; to families affected by food insecurity; to building a more prosperous Coachella Valley.


Our grants program is one of the most significant ways we assist the valley's nonprofit organizations in achieving our shared service and program goals. The District currently has $3.4 million available to award through its full grant and mini-grant programs in early 2021. The five grant funding strategic areas are:


  • Healthcare Infrastructure and Services
  • Behavioral Health/Mental Health
  • Homelessness
  • Vital Human Services to People with Chronic Conditions
  • Economic Protection, Recovery and Food Security


To learn more about each funding area and our online grant application process, please visit here. If you have any questions, please email


We look forward to working with you in the new year. Please stay safe and enjoy the holidays.


Conrado E. Bárzaga

Chief Executive Officer

Desert Healthcare District and Foundation