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Advancing Community wellness in the Coachella Valley

Discover the Resources Available for Survivors of Suicide Loss

A hand holds up a yellow ribbon with a blue sky with white clouds in the background. Stock Photo

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is an event in which survivors of suicide loss come together to find connection, understanding, and hope through their shared experience. On this day and throughout the year there are resources available to Coachella Valley residents who have lost a loved one or friend to suicide.

To learn more about the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), which has a Riverside County Desert Cities chapter, click the link below. Please share this information with others who may be interested. 

Local chapter: AFSP Inland Empire and Desert Cities

Community contact: Morgan Rose, MA Ed HD, Area Director, Orange County and Inland Empire/Desert Cities,, (855) 869-2377. 


In 1999, Senator Harry Reid, who lost his father to suicide, introduced a resolution to the United States Senate, leading to the creation of International Survivors of Suicide Day. Also known as Survivor Day, the day was designated by the United States Congress as a day on which those affected by suicide can join together for healing and support. It was determined that Survivor Day would always fall on the Saturday before American Thanksgiving, as the holidays are often a difficult time for suicide loss survivors.