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Advancing Community wellness in the Coachella Valley

Rezoning process launches with public hearing

people at public hearing

Coachella Valley residents will get their first opportunity on April 23 to participate in rezoning the Desert Healthcare District into seven zones. Two draft maps will be presented during the District's April Board meeting that show how the District could be redrawn. The maps are a starting point for civic engagement; we want to hear from you. 

The seven zones (districts) will be established for the 2020 election. Each will consist of about 60,000 residents, and each will include a Director serving on the Board. Four Board seats will be up for election in 2020.

A series of public hearings is planned to help decide the new zones, starting at the April Board meeting: 

Rezoning Public Hearing 

5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, 2019 
Fantasy Springs Casino Special Events Center – Hunal (Badger) Conference Room 
84245 Indio Springs Drive 
Indio, CA 92203 
Free parking  

If you're planning to attend, please RSVP in email to Board Relations Officer Andrea S. Hayles 

For questions about rezoning, contact interim District CEO Chris Christensen